Culture of inquiry
January 20, 2012Bisphenol A (BPA) and heart disease risk
February 1, 2012New research shows that there is a synergistic effect between EPA and DHA (from the Omega 3 essential fatty acid family). Research like this supports the notion that whole foods rich in these super nutrients are important since EPA and DHA are naturally occurring in proper ratios in, say, wild salmon or sardines.
Yes, of course you can take a supplement. I take fish oil daily. It helps reduce inflammation and supports eye health. It’s good for mood balancing and immunity. Even though I take a supplement, I prefer to get my Omega 3 fatty acids (also knows as Omega 3 EFAs) in food form.
On days that I am lucky enough to have wild salmon, sardines, mackerel or other rich, fatty fish, I often skip my supplement of Omega 3s. I got the OK to do this from my sister-in-law, who is a naturopath graduated from Bastyr University. She says this is a generally accepted practice when you’re taking Omega 3 fatty acids for health maintenenance. If you have an active or acute condition, I would encourage you to double up: eat the wild-caught fish and also take your supplement.
To read more about this new research I mentioned, go visit Vital Choice Seafood’s newsletter, by clicking here. Also, order some seafood while you’re there. The salmon and sardines they sell are AMAZINGLY delicious.